Kada sam se upoznala sa Bahovim cvecem, mislila sam kada se prica o Clematisu, da je to plavi cvet tj. Cerato, i sasvim mi je odgovarala sanjalacka priroda Clematisa, Ceratu. I ta dva cveta meni imaju mnogo slicnosti i danas.
Translate from: Bosnian
Ivana says:
When I met Bach’s flower, I thought when talking about Clematis, that it was a blue flower, ie Cerato, and the dreamy nature of Clematis, Cerato, suited me perfectly. And those two flowers have a lot in common with me today.
Zbunjena sam ovim prikazom, moracu odgledati jos koji put. Priznajem ovo sa spiralom je za mene novost…
Kada sam se upoznala sa Bahovim cvecem, mislila sam kada se prica o Clematisu, da je to plavi cvet tj. Cerato, i sasvim mi je odgovarala sanjalacka priroda Clematisa, Ceratu. I ta dva cveta meni imaju mnogo slicnosti i danas.
Translate from: Bosnian
Ivana says:
When I met Bach’s flower, I thought when talking about Clematis, that it was a blue flower, ie Cerato, and the dreamy nature of Clematis, Cerato, suited me perfectly. And those two flowers have a lot in common with me today.
Me identifiquei com este arquétipo desta essência do início ao fim e por “um acaso”, meu mestre espiritual vive nas adjacências de Chegdud!