Le Dr Li Ying Che parle d'une façon de travailler avec les essences de Bach et la médecine chinoise, en détectant le champ énergétique du patient

La vidéo n’est disponible qu’en anglais

8 Commentaires sur “A Chinese Approach

  1. Susan says:

    I found this presentation fascinating and very helpful when I reflect on my understanding and use of the Bach flower remedies. Thank you for making available Dr. Ying Chi Li’s healing practices.

  2. Sud Ram says:

    This film was taken in Healing Herbs, 2010. About the correct name of Chinese doctor from Taiwan is Dr Li, Ying-Che. Li is surname.

  3. Pamela Semmens says:

    I have been using Dr.Bach flower essences in my clinic for 22 years. Using the map book found it beneficial. Visiting the U.K my home place over ten years ago I also visited the cottage of Dr.Bach just outside of London England.

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