
Water Violet people are independent, quiet by nature and prefer their own company. Despite this, people seek them out because they have many amiable qualities. One could wonder why they need an essence at all. However, these people withdraw because life in the outside world appears sad and painful to them.

Water Violet Details

Remedy Group Twelve Healers
Emotional Group For Loneliness
Virtue Joy
Failing Grief

Getting to Know the Essence


For those who in health or illness like to be alone. Very quiet people, who move about without noise, speak little, and then gently. Very independent, capable and self-reliant. Almost free of the opinions of others. They are aloof, leave people alone and go their own way. Often clever and talented. Their peace and calmness is a blessing to those around them. [Bach: Twelve Healers and Other Remedies 1936]


…you are learning to stand absolutely alone in the world, gaining the intense joy of complete freedom, and therefore of perfect service to mankind. And when this is realised it is no longer sacrifice but the exquisite joy of helpfulness even under all conditions. [Bach]

State of Being

These are very beautiful people in mind and often in body. They are gentle, quiet, very refined and cultured and yet are masters of their fate and lead their lives with a quiet determination and certainty. Like to be much alone. In illness they may be a little proud and aloof and if so this reacts upon them. Even so, they are very brave and try to fight alone and unaided and be of no anxiety or trouble to those around. They are brave souls indeed who seem to know their work in life and do it with a quiet certain will. They do not often form strong attachments even to those nearest them. They bear adversity and illness calmly, quietly and bravely without complaint. [Bach]

Case Studies and Anecdotes

‘A Water Violet type recalls not wanting to get involved in playing with the local children. She’d play for a short while, then go and sit on the wall. She didn’t feel excluded, as some children do, she just preferred to watch’.

The Water Violet film (below) helps us understand the traits that govern this behaviour.

Questions and Reflections

Do you recognise any of the Water Violet characteristics in yourself and your friends?

Can you understand why Dr Bach chose grief as the failing for this essence?

Plant Signature Activities

Water Violet needs pure water in which to thrive – it is becoming increasingly scarce as our waterways become more polluted.

How does this observation reflect that living in this modern world is a challenge to Water Violet types?

Explore and add further plant/people comparisons:

Plant Person
Water Violet flowers seem to look out on what is going on around them. The Water Violet type is observant, quiet and contained. They often watch without engaging.
Can you imagine a plant gesture? Can you imagine a person gesture?

Botanical Information

Explore the botanical information for Water Violet by following the links below and reading suggested sections in the reading list:

Water Violet grows in drainage ditches and other slow moving water. Many of its traditional habitats have been destroyed- mechanical ditching has cleared the channels too efficiently, many of the wetland fens have been drained by lowering the water table and various chemicals pollute the dykes.

Water Violet is increasingly hard to find but in general terms it grows in the southern and eastern counties of England.

Questions and Reflections

Water Violet retreats to the centre of the pond, what does this mean in terms of the person/plant gesture?

Think of ways you might recognise a Water Violet type.

Understanding Dr Bach’s Philosophy of Healing and the Cause and Cure of Disease

Bach wrote frequently on the importance of freedom:

‘We must gain our freedom absolutely and completely so that all we do, our every action – nay even our every thought – derives origin in ourselves, thus enabling us to live freely of our own accord, and of our own accord alone.’

Water Violet types are naturally very independent and have no difficulty claiming freedom for themselves and others.

Reflect on how the Water Violet type is able to do this, how can the rest of us follow their example?

Read Collected Writings p. 154

Questions and Reflections

When I asked a Water Violet friend what it is that brings her out into life, she replied, ‘Because there are so many wonderful people out there!’

Water Violet types retreat because of the pain of life, but it is only through involvement that they find the true joy of living.

What else might make Water Violet types connect with the world?