
Rock Rose seems to be less of a soul lesson and more of a situational essence, being for extreme fear and an important ingredient in the five flower combination. There are, however, people who are born with a Rock Rose temperament. Such people can show great courage in the everyday dealings, but deep down they live with a secret dread of life itself. Whatever these people achieve in their lives is of great meaning when you consider the inner challenge with which they live.

Rock Rose Details

Remedy Group Twelve Healers
Emotional Group Fear
Virtue Courage
Failing Terror

Getting to Know the Essence


The rescue remedy. The remedy of emergency for cases where there even appears no hope. In accidents or sudden illness, or when the patient is very frightened or terrified, or if the condition is serious enough to cause great fear to those around. If the patient is not conscious the lips may be moistened with the remedy. Other remedies in addition may also be required, as, if there is unconsciousness, which is a deep, sleepy state, Clematis; if there is torture, Agrimony, and so on. [Bach: Twelve Healers and Other Remedies 1936]


All fear must be cast out; it should never exist in the human mind, and is only possible when we lose sight of our Divinity. It is foreign to us because as Sons of the Creator, Sparks of the Divine Life, we are invincible, indestructible and unconquerable. [Bach]

State of Being

This is the rescue remedy. In cases of urgency and danger. Whenever things are desperate. In all cases of danger of life. When the patient is terrified or in a panic. In cases when all hope is lost. When there is danger to the mind, of threatened suicide or insanity, or nervous breakdown, fear of death or hopeless depression. [Bach]

Case Studies and Anecdotes

Can terror really be a soul type? A lesson to overcome? For those who do not experience that intense fear this might seem inconceivable. The difficulty in recognising this type is compounded because the positive aspect of the Rock Rose type is great courage, adventurousness and even a cheerful engagement with life. You may never know that they struggle with such intense fear. But there are clues. Look for the person who needs to feel secure in their work, home, finance or relationship to thrive. If those things are in place, they are vibrant and alive. Shake this security, and the fear will clearly manifest itself.

The Little Mermaid

The fairytale ‘The Little Mermaid’ by Hans Christian Andersen gives us an interesting insight into the Rock Rose type. Read ‘Form and Function’ (p.132) for Julian Barnard’s thoughts on this

Questions and Reflections

This is a paradoxical essence. Reflect on the presence of deep fear in life.

How does this manifest itself in your own life and those of your friends and family?

Can you also observe the moments of extreme courage?

Plant Signature Activities

The petals of this plant are very fragile, like crumpled silk, and quickly drop.

How would you think this reflects on the people gesture?

Explore and add further plant/people comparisons:

Plant Person
Lives close to the ground and has very little plant structure. These people keep their heads down and avoid getting involved in life.
Can you imagine a plant gesture? Can you imagine a person gesture?

Botanical Information

Explore the botanical information for Rock Rose by following the links below and reading suggested sections on the reading list:

The Rock Rose is uncommon, native to the Mediterranean area. It can grow up to an altitude of 500m.

Rock Rose is found in southern England in upland pastures on dry, rocky soils, generally on chalk.

Questions and Reflections

Rock Rose and Gentian plants choose live on chalk downland.

What are their similarities and how do they differ?

Rock Rose has a close relationship with ants.

How do you think this may be reflected in the person/plant gesture?

Understanding Dr Bach’s Philosophy of Healing and the Cause and Cure of Disease

Extreme fear is difficult to treat and may be hard to spot. Bach gives us some clues in Free Thyself:

‘Fear also reacts on people in quite different ways. Some will turn pale, some will flush, some become hysterical and some speechless. Explain fear to them, show them that nothing can frighten them again, the child will not mind the shadows on the wall if he is given the candle and shown how to make them dance up and down.’

(Collected Writings p. 125)

Questions and Reflections

What are the differences between Red Chestnut and Rock Rose?

Are there any situations when you might use them together?

Star of Bethlehem and Rock Rose are both applicable in emergency situations and may seem similar in action.

How exactly do they differ?

Make notes on how people may react in such circumstances.

Make a list physical reactions to extreme fear.

How might these observations help in the case of diagnosis?