
The Bach Flower Essences are not generally chosen for physical conditions. However, Crab Apple is the exception and can bring purification on all levels of the system – mental, emotional and physical. It is the ideal choice of essence whenever the body needs cleansing, for example, coughs, colds, rashes. It is also used when people feel self-disgust and don’t like themselves in some way.

Crab Apple Details

Remedy Group Second Nineteen
Emotional Group Despair and Despondency

Case Studies and Anecdotes

A young woman in her 20s had spots on her face, which began when she caught measles as a teenager. However, they were now much worse. She said they made her feel ‘dirty’ in some way. She eventually said that she had worked as a prostitute for some years and suffered from more intimate complaints. She took Crab Apple for some time, after which her skin was much improved and she went on to change her life path.

A middle-aged man felt it necessary to go around the house checking electrical plugs, doors and windows before he went to bed. It was not just once, however, he felt compelled to do it several times. Over time, Crab Apple helped him reduce this nightly ritual to just one check and he was happy with the improvement.

Questions and Reflections

In the Crab Apple state we focus too much on detail and lose our perspective on life. Can you recall a time when you became obsessed by some trivial detail?

Plant Signature Activities

If you cut open an apple at its widest diameter, you will see the perfect five pointed star within the core. This can be seen as a symbol of immortality and from such a point of view, life comes into perspective. The blooms of Crab Apple are white, which is the colour of purification and provides a clue to the key signature of this essence.

Botanical Information

Explore the botanical information for Crab Apple by following the links below and reading suggested sections on the reading list:

Questions and Reflections

The Crab Apple fruit is very bitter and too sour to eat, however, it will remain sound throughout winter. Explain how this might translate into the personal gesture.

As they mature the white blossom may become tinged with pink. How could this enhance the personal signature?

Crab Apple has a broad and rich application addressing a range of complaints. Make a list of some of these for your future reference.

Journal Work

  • Start building a repertory of key words, and phrases.
  • What immediately comes to mind when you think of Crab Apple?
  • Keep a record of completed exercises and observations.
  • Go out and find the tree, spend time with it and observe it closely. Take photographs, draw or paint it.
  • If you have the essence, take two drops in water – take this opportunity to explore the effects of the flower within yourself.